Overhead patrol path

(Overhead patrol path)
(picture source:photo by this team)

  In order to make patrols easier and supervise the actions of inmates, there are overhead patrol paths over the Chih, Jen, and Yong cell blocks. Other than ease of supervision, the overhead patrol paths help with ventilation, and clear humidity to avoid the growth of bacteria. In the summer, it makes the cells more airy, tomake the inmates feel cooler.

  Overhead patrol paths also have sprinklers used to suppress inmate riots. Older inmates privately call the staff "water," and this is because in the past, when staff patrol over the cells, if they discover unruly behavior in the cells, they splash water, so past inmates used to say "shhh, here comes the water!" when they see the staff.

(Overhead patrol path.)
(picture source:photo by this team)