Jen cell block

(Jen cell block)
(picture source:photo by this team)

  The Jen cell block was divided into solitary and mixed rooms; the solitary rooms were divided into rooms for the new inmates, rooms for short term laboring inmates, and auditing rooms.

   "Rooms for new inmates" are so that new inmates could have a solitary environment to consider their own thoughts and to be calm, to think about how to adapt to the prison life they were about to face.

  "Rooms for short term laboring inmates" were also solitary rooms. These rooms are usually for inmates with shorter prison sentences (in order to avoid having to adjust room distributions too much), and their behaviors and attitudes have received approval from the staff. They can assist the staff with some work that cannot be done by other inmates, but they still have to abide by the regulations just like all other inmates.
  "Auditing rooms" were for inmates with serious contagious diseases, had abnormal behavior, psychological diseases, serious violations, and serious crimes. To prevent inmates with serious diseases from affecting others, or if inmates are emotionally unstable because they had just receive harsh sentences, they can be held here to avoid being contagious and disturbances to others. However, if the inmates have psychological or behavioral problems, to prevent suicide or self-mutilation, two inmates would be kept together in one solitary room.

(Jen cell block.)
(picture source:photo by this team)