Explanation of the contributions to the Special Topic Project

Participants Tasks Percentage
Students 1. Interview the relevant persons
2. Record and collate the interview contents
3. Collect and collate the relevant information
4. Design the interview questions
5. Discuss and sketch out the conception of the preliminary structure of the web page
6. Arrange activities and photograph the interviews
7. Design and implement the questionnaire
8. Fill in progress reports

1. Convene the working group meeting
2. Summarize and analyze the information pertaining to the Special Topic Study
3. Guide and inspect the Special Topic web page
4. Work out the title and plan of the Special Topic Study
5. Provide computer technology guidance
6. Contact the persons to be interviewed

Parents 1. Take the students to school and pick them up after school
2. Make appointments for some interviews
3. Accompany the student to finish the questionnaire interviews on holidays
Volunteer teachers Set up the web page 10%
Community residents 1. Provide relevant data
2. Offer suggestions for the interviews