philosophers' garden


       Special topics

Website Info Project Overview Project Elements List of Contributors Project web


Course connection

Connection with the 9-year integrated curriculum
Language domain

 Comprehensive reading and writing skills: By preparing and writing the text for the pages, we have acquired how to  independently plan and write a complete tour guide.

        Listening comprehension and verbal expression: We have been told to patiently listen what the experts told us during the  interviews and to clearly express our opinions and questions.

      Social domain

          Man and time-space: Through data collection, site visits and interviews, we understand more about the neighborhood of our campus, including the people, the culture and natural environment. These have allowed us to love and cherish more about our school and community.


       ntegrated domain

         From this project, we have acquired the importance of preparation and data sharing, and the respect for others. Secondly, we also understand the importance of extracurricular activities which allow us to experience the life outside of school. More importantly, the project helps us understand how to take our own responsibilities.


       Nature domain

     The project allows us to observe the plant ecology in the park and to enjoy the beauty of nature.


Information application





Computer software


Webpage production


Drawing, photo editing, webpage production and animation production

  flash MX 2004

Animation production


Greeting card production


Word processing


School website

Text and image storage

Digital recorder


Shooting and photography

Video recorder


Data storage


School computer classroom

Data storage

USB disk


Data storage'

Concern for homeland

We have nearly traveled every corner of the Hu Shih Park, visited all memorial halls near the school that can provide us information, and interviewed these places and people there. Before the interviews, we needed to prepare the questions we would ask, the thank you cards, the cameras and the gears. It was very busy. However, Miss Laing always took us to these places from the school’s backdoor via the Hu Shih Park. Each time we walked through the park laughing and chatting, we understood more about the park and loved it more. In fact, we are proud of the characteristics in the school’s neighborhood.

胡適紀念館訪問稿大綱 自製謝卡封面

Intellectual Property Rights

All pictures of Hu Shih appeared in this website are licensed by the Hu Shih Memorial Hall. The sources of other materials, including but not limited to data and images retrieved from the Internet and quoted from books, are all cited in relevant pages.


        (1) Interpersonal relationship: During the interviews, all interviewees knew our purposes and gave us as much help as possible. This has allowed us to feel the warmth and friendliness of people. We also understand that politeness is very important and is the only thing to earn respect from others.

      (2) Computer software (非常好色,  Namo, PhotoImpact and Flash): These software products have allowed us to learn the integrated use of different IT products in producing webpage.

      (3) Project planning: We understand that besides good planning, we need good preparation and smart use of resources in order to have great achievements.