Operation Greenhouse Effect

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JackyHenrry Regina LindaAmyWendy |

Ruby Ben Sandy Cindy CocoAmada |

Ms. Chi-ying, Huang| Ms. Hwai-Yuan Yeh | Ms. Su-Chin Tian |

Cool Environmental Scout  

  Classes and Teachers:

  | Ms. Chi-ying, Huang | Ms. Hwai-Yuan Yeh | Ms. Su-Chin Tian |

  12 students:

           | JackyHenrry Regina LindaAmyWendy |

           |  Ruby Ben Sandy Cindy CocoAmada |

Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member-Jacky

I think that the cyberfair is a good opportunity to let everyone learn and compete at the same time, and is also great for learning different techniques and polishing our own abilities. Though the process was filled with many different feelings, everyone was willing to learn, and no one said that they were tired while we were walking. Everyone did their best and fought till the end. I think that making a website is really intriguing, because it feels like we're all a big family. Nothing is boring, or lonely. Everyone had a serious attitude, and we braved the difficulties together. Our teachers were strong support too, besides being experts on the computer. Whenever we met a new problem, they would try to find the best way to solve it. Without these great people, we would not have been able to survive this competition. I'm glad that everyone worked together and stood till the end. We accomplished this mission together, and brought glory for our school!

Searching and arranging information Photographed at the "Kyoto Protocol Environmental Lecture" Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Henrry

I'm glad that we could join the cyberfair, and because of this activity, I got to know more about the greenhouse effect. Earth's temperature may suddenly rise, then drop, and there may no longer be need for the four seasons. There may be typhoons during winter, polar bears may disappear in 30 years, and of the sea level rises, land and organisms may be swallowed by the ocean. This whole scenario is like the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". All this is because of the greenhouse effect. We should pay more attention to the environment, conserve energy, and reduce the emission of carbon dioxide at the same time. We should refuse pollution, to let Earth recover earlier. As long as we can accomplish this, we can have a healthy Earth, and let generations after us live in an environment as great as ours. The Earth will never get sick again. The Earth is ours, so we should work together to protect and care for it, and to let the greenhouse effect balance itself again.

Searching and arranging information Photographed at the "Kyoto Protocol Environmental Lecture" Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Regina

Before this activity, I never really notice the issue of the greenhouse effect. Even if I saw it in the news, I usually just skipped over it. But, ever since this activity, I've come to understand how important the Earth is, and that we should all fight for it, because it is our overdevelopment that the Earth is now sick. As the heroes who are defending Earth, we can tell our family members to save electricity, build more green architectures, and etc. As long as we pass the message on, we can alert everyone to love Earth.

Conserving energy and protecting Earth is not only to let our environment improve, it's also to help plants and animals survive. Like the polar bear, and other marine animals, are all losing their habitats because of the greenhouse effect. It is melting the icebergs, taking away land from polar bears; and marine animals are dying because of underwater volcanoes. We have to protect this unique planet for animas, plants, and ourselves.

Searching and arranging information Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School Photographed at the "Kyoto Protocol Environmental Lecture"
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Linda

I've watched a lot of news lately, and they have been reporting that because of global warming, polar bears may disappear in 30 years, or some habitants of small islands may lose their homes because of rising sea levels. I feel sad for them. These results are caused by humans releasing excess carbon dioxide, causing the temperature to rise. The results may become like the movie, "The Day After Tomorrow".

 To avoid something like this happening, we need to remind grownups to drive less, reuse paper with another clear side, to recycle, and plant trees. As long as people pay attention to environmental protection, maybe Earth won't be as sick! After this cyberfair, I've absorbed a lot of information on the greenhouse effect. I didn't know about these things before, but now I do, so I won't continue to do things that hurt Earth. I hope everyone will do so too, and keep Earth healthy for hundreds of more years.

Searching and arranging information Premiere of "An Inconvenient Truth" Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Amy



Searching and arranging information Photographed at the "Kyoto Protocol Environmental Lecture" Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Wendy

Entering this cyberfair was an honor to me. I hope that our efforts can spread the message to the whole world and show everyonethe efforts of a group of elementary students. Then maybe they will join our ranks and protect our home together, and become an environmental scout. It doesn't matter if you're a grownup scout or young scout, as long as you do something for the planet, she will thank you very much. Because of your efforts, and with everyone else's, maybe Earth can be revived. For Earth, the only doctors that can save her are doctors like us. Our efforts are the best medicine for Earth.

Now that Earth is sick it means we have to take action, and not continue to destroy it's ecology. If we continue to do this, some of Earth's special scenery may disappear. The people of Tuvalu don't have anywhere to live because of rising sea levels. Someday, this will happen to us too if we don't do something about it. We need to promote the fact that everyone needs to hurry up and help save the Earth. Earth is on the verge of dying, and we have no time to waste! Let's all work hard for Earth!

Searching and arranging information "Interview" post-meeting Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Ruby

I use to know nothing about the greenhouse effect, but after this cyberfair, I've started to know more about it. Besides understanding more about the seriousness of global warming, we need to pay attention to environmental protection, conserve energy, and love our planet and nature, so Earth can recover sooner. If we don't, humans will suffer. There will be extreme climates, and we will loose many animals on the verge of extinction. Earth's resources are slowly disappearing due to human destruction.

I'm worried, but after half a year of hard work, searching for information, listening to lectures, doing interviews, and discussing with classmates, it feels really interesting, and I've learned a lot. About the problem of global warming, even though the cyberfair has ended, I will still do my best. If everyone tries there best, the Earth will always be clean and healthy.

Arranging interview records Photographed in the Computer Classroom Photographed at the "Kyoto Protocol Environmental Lecture"
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Ben

After this cyberfair, I finally understood that without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would be too cold, but with too much, the Earth gets sick. Now, we've produced too much and the Earth is sick. In the near future, polar bears will go extinct, and this is all because of us. Luckily, I joined the cyberfair, so now I know these things. I've told my parents to drive less, recycle, not to waste, plant trees, cut down less tress… and etc. Let's not let Earth suffer anymore, because it's everybody's, and we need to protect and maintain it together, to prevent the greenhouse effect from worsening.

Drawing on the computer Photographed in the Computer Classroom Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Sandy




Uploading research diary and responses Photographed at the "Kyoto Protocol Environmental Lecture" Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Cindy

Before the cyberfair, the words greenhouse effect didn't mean anything for me. But after all the research, I now know that this effect can be good or bad, but now it is harming the Earth. I think that the Earth's fever is because of humans, so now we need to take action and help cure the Earth. In fact, if we all work together, we can protect his pretty and unique planet.

After the cyberfair, I'm not who I use to be. I've been through training, met difficulties, went through hardships, but I've also defeated challenges, swam past the river of impossible, and fed on the food on knowledge. The cyberfair had done much for my life, and I am glad to have had such a chance to join in with everyone.

Drawing on the Computer Photographed in the Computer Classroom Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Coco

In the past, I use to think that the greenhouse effect was something bad for mankind, but after this cyberfair, I discovered that without it, the Earth would become extremely cold. Unfortunately, if there's too much of it, the Earth warms up, and our planet becomes feverish!

The planet has too much carbon dioxide thanks to humans, and the planet is now like a giant greenhouse. Because of the greenhouse effect, polar bears are dying out;, plants can't tell the seasons, and we are losing places to live on! If this goes on, will our lives become like the scenes in "The Day After Tomorrow"? Because of the research this time, I've learned many ways to let Earth recover. During the interviews, I was a bit nervous, but it was a rare experience, and I learned a lot, and I've changed my views. After this cyberfair, I've acquired new knowledge, too much to write out! I hope that through this project we can tell everyone our newly acquired knowledgy, so we can all help Earth recover.

Uploading research diary and responses Little reporter interviewing Professor Yeh Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School
Cool Environmental Scout, Student Member- Amada

At first, I didn't know much about the greenhouse effect. I even thought it was something used in rooms! But now, after the cyberfair, I've discovered the truth about it, and now know about the crisis Earth is facing. The maintenance of the greenhouse effect needs to be done from ourselves, so, since I've joined the project, my family has been an electricity conserving family. Not only has our bill dropped, I believe we've taken a small step towards the recovery of the Earth!

At this cyberfair, I've not only learned about the greenhouse effect and related issues, I've also learned a lot of stuff that isn't in books or on the internet, like team cooperation. If a team lacks team spirit, it will fail. Every mission we've had made me really excited, because we divided the work and discussed. There was perfect chemistry! I believe that this team is really great, and it's been an honor working with everybody!

Arranging information Photographed in the Computer Classroom Photographed at Bin Jiang Elementary School

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