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 | International Efforts | Taiwan's Current Condition |

 | Taipei City's Response |

Taipei City's Response

In the recent years, the Earth's climate has undergone dramatic changes. In the year 2001, Taipei city was hit by Typhoon Nari, the worst in a hundred years. Then in 2002, the city was struck by a drought and the hottest summer in 50 years. International studies point out that in the last 200 years, human produced greenhouse gases accumulating is a reason for unusual global climates that we cannot neglect. Because of this, the UN, under the general ideal of international cooperation on environmental protection, has produced the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol, to proclaim that all developed countries be responsible for lowering the amount of greenhouse gases produced. Now, the details of the Kyoto Protocol have reached international consensus, and has been put into force as of February 16th, 2005. The world is now entering a new era where greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide will be controlled.

We live in Taipei City, and in response to the global effort to control climate changes, we, Taipei City, as a member of the international community and global village, cannot forget our responsibilities. We enthusiastically plan and set into motion many actions to control greenhouse gas emission, cooperate in international reduction conferences and organizations, and exchange experience and ideas with foreign cities on the efforts of reduction. This is to let the international community understand what Taipei City is doing to stabilize the climate and work for a better future. Accomplishing our responsibilities as a member of the global community and promoting Taipei City's international status and reputation should be a focus of the overall plan to respond to the world's changing climates.

To accomplish the goals stated above, we need the cooperation and support of everyone, and especially the self conscious of the people. To accomplish this, this association, under the assistance of the Taipei City Government EPA, has developed the"Taipei City- Response to Global Climate Changes Global Info Website”, and in coordination with lectures, hopes to combine related information and with this communication platform, encourage citizens to support actions against global climate changes. Also, we hope that this can also be one of the fundamental blocks of our city's efforts against global climate changes. Resource:

Measures taken by our citizens

As an international city, the amount of greenhouse gases released by homes and businesses has grown by an average of 5% a year, and account for 70% of the total amount produced. As a member of our city, we should start from our everyday life and try our best to reduce emission.

Usually, the energy sources in our everyday lives include electricity, petroleum products, and gas, which directly or indirectly cause greenhouse gases to be reduced. If we can save energy, we can not only save money, but also help lower the amount of greenhouse gases. Below are some of the measures we can accomplish in our everyday lives:


Turning off unused lights and appliances.

Opening the refrigerator less, and not filling it completely.

Drying clothing naturally, lowering the usage of dryers.

Changing or washing the AC's filter periodically. The AC should be set at around 26~28C, and used in combination with fans to enhance the cooling effects.

When the AC's temperature sensing control is abnormal it uses more electricity, so it should be fixed.

Using TVs, refrigerators, ACs, washing machines, and other appliances with"environmental tags"or"energy conserving"tags.

Using high efficiency, energy conserving light bulbs, to lower the amount of carbon dioxide reduced, and also save on the electricity bill.

Turning off the computer when it isn't is use, because they still use electricity under the sleep mode.

Taking the stairs more often.

Choose houses with better airing and lighting, not directly in the sun, and with good shading.

The roof and walls should use light colors, to enhance the brightness indoors.

Use blinds, pergolas, or other designs to shade the windows.

Improve the heat blocking or airing effects around, and plant trees or greens in alleys and balconies.

Use solar powered heaters, to reduce the burning of gas.

Cooperate with government regulations on recycling, leftovers recycling, and restrictions on various materials.

Combine the power of communities, and improve the dirty and messy places in the community, and plant greens as much as possible.

Join in the greenhouse gas reduction plans and education and promotion activities of local environmental groups.

Community activities and environmental education plans of local schools should cooperate to let every member of the community understand climate changes.

Office Areas

Use emails to take the place of unnecessary documents. Print double-sided, and as much as needed.

Avoid buying products that use CFCs in the manufacturing process.

Use office items with"energy stars"or"environmental"stickers, like printers, computer, and fax machines.


Take the MRT or bus, in combination with walking or biking. This is easy, convenient, and lowers the burden on the environment.

Consider living close to work, school, or any activity locations, to greatly lower your everyday transportation needs.

Use electronic communication, like the internet, phones, webcams, or messages, to avoid unneeded traveling.

Buy low oil consuming vehicles (over 12km per liter), and periodically maintain your vehicles abilities. If a vehicle isn't maintained, it can use up to 10% more oil.

Instead of driving on your own, car pool with your neighbors, coworkers, or friends. Every carpool party can save up to 2000 liters of oil a year, or 4,720 kgs of carbon dioxide.

Change your driving habits and avoid high speed driving, sudden acceleration, and fast braking.

Maintain your vehicle periodically.

Avoid bumpy rides, and lower fuel consumption.


Join the"Green Shopping"way, and refuse over-packaged products and gift boxes.

Buy environmental products that fit in the criteria of low pollution, energy saving, and using reusable materials.

Bring your own shopping bags, lower the use of plastic or paper bags.

Us electronic shopping, and save on space and energy spent on going to shops.

Shop at stores that are considerate about the environment.

 Resource:  Taipei City- Response to Global Climate Changes Global Info Website

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