Our sources of Information

Appreciation for People who helped us

Ms. Chen Shu

Mr. Hong (The chief manager in mayor's office)

Mr. Lin (The secretary in mayor's office)

Mr. Yang (The mayor of Kaohsiung County)

Mr. Lee (A Legislator)

Two Seniors in Ms. Chen' s hometown Yilan (Mr. Hsieh and Mr. Chen)

Mr. Huang (A senior high school teacher in Yilan)

Mr. Chen (Ms. Chen 's younger brother )

"Ms. driver" who drove us to everywhere we wanted to go.

The Chens family (They serve as police in Yilan)

The Chilin Foundation (A charitable organization in Yilan)

Reference Books


(A book describes the democratic movements in Taiwan.)


(A book describes the opposite side against the authority.)


(The latest book that tells us about a lot of stories of Ms. Chen' s career.)


(A book that tells us about Ms. Chen' s dreams.)


(A book that tells us about the stories when Ms. Chen in prison)


(A book that describes the political career of Ms. Chen in details.)

Reference Websites

The wikipedia website