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--- Finding Old Times ---
A Brief Introduction of Kuljaljau
A Brief Introduction of Kuljaljau
Old Trails Built during Japanese Occupation Era
Spiritual Fortress
Location of Five-Year Fiesta
Ancestral Spirits House
Ancestral Spirits House

|Marker of Ancestral Spirits House| Hunting Ancestral Spirits House

Marker of Ancestral Spirits House(cinekecekan)

  When first established the Tribe in 1955, the location of marking is situated in the region of ZhongShan Rd. Cinekecekan was originally worshiped by three families, giring, tjiljuvekan and paDengan. Then, after giring's family moved away their stone, families of tjiljuvekan and paDengan are in charge of the cinekecekan.


 In 1979, the cinekecekan had worn out and collapsed. Fund was collected to rebuild a cement house. The front wall in the house has four shrines. Two shrines in the middle represent chief's lingtjalj (now is called tjiljuvekan) and the civilian family paDengan who manages it; therefore, cinekecekan is also known as paDengan. The sacrificial items which are offered to qumauan by the high priest are stored in the shrine at higher position. A bamboo tube box (kakiyavangan) which has male attribute is hung at the left corner of the front wall to store sacrificial items for calling the ancestral spirits. The box on the right which has female attribute is to store sacrificial items for harvest fiesta and crop seeds. Small shrine holes (cagalj) on left side of the wall are the place to offer sacrificial items when giving birth to a boy; holes on right when giving birth to a girl. The preparation ceremonies before MALJEVEQ are held in cinekecekan. Chief can only stay outside of the house. Since the environmental condition at cinekecekan was deteriorating, it was rebuilt in 1997 at the big corner of ZhongShan Rd. The completion ceremony was held on October 27 that year.


New look at the marker of ancestral spirits house
The original marker of ancestral spirits house

Source:Paiwan Tribe - Picture Book of KuljaljauVillage   Image:Chiao-yun Chiang   Edited by:Mei-jun Chen, Si-chih Tung














Planned by volunteer teachers at Kuljaljau Elementary School, Laiyi Township Pingtung County, Year 2007; Made by Goblin’s Aspirational Team.
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