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Sharing Activities
ˇE Impression
Transmit words of love
ˇE Words of love

Transmit Words of Love
Words of love
Transmit Words of Love

1. Background of the Activity
         A group of teachers and students from Shuang Yuan Primary School is participating in the 8th Taiwan Schools Cyberfair. The class of competition we join is local enterprise and the theme of research is ˇ§Sweet Flavor ˘w Dahesong Salicoˇ¨. During the process of research, we felt happiness more than hardship. The happiness comes from the care and support from teachers, the kind assistance from the researched enterprise, the professional growth of colleagues, the friendly interaction between teachers and students, and the mutual aid between the students. We want to transmit the happiness to everybody around us.

2. Content of the Activity
       The members of the Vigorous Team ask their relatives, friends, neighbors, teachers and schoolmates to write down the words they want say to husband, wife, lover, parents, schoolmate or friend. We will keep the words confidential until the ˇ§Sweet Flavor ˇV Dahesong Salicoˇ¨ website is opened on March 1, 2007. Due to the limited network space, we will place some selected words on the website, and the parties concerned can see them over Internet. As to the other words, we will deliver them to the addressees personally that day on time.