Potteries Lazurite Beads Chiefains’Emblems
Headdress and Eagle Feather Spirits of Paiwan

   After the Wushe Event, the Government-General of Formosa further understood the influence of local tribes’ chiefains on local society. For this reason, Government-General of Formosa admitted and respected the influence of chieftains, and also made use of their force. So the chiefains became an indispensable power for Japanese efforts in terms of education, procreation, migration and health.

  On December 27, 1932, a range of rules for chiefains were issued. Total 431 Chiefain Badges and 288 Benefaction Badges were awarded to respective Chiefains, including 128 Chiefain Badges and 288 Benefaction Badges for Paiwan Tribe.


  But the governor would make sure of the identity and status of a Chiefain before granting a Chiefain Badge.

  Among 3 existing chiefains in Paiwan Village, only Hui-mei Hsiao has a Chiefain Badge with No.218.
