Survey Analysis of Street Intercept Interview Conducted on Nanyang Street

Survey Analysis of Students Attending Buxibans on the Nanyang Street









Interviews were conducted between 5:30 to 7:30 in the afternoon on the following six dates: 2005/2/4, 2005/2/15, 2005/2/16, 2005/2/24, 2006/2/13, and 2006/2/14. The two hours are the peak hours when large crowds form.

During the street interviews, many challenges and obstacles came in our way, such as the shortage of interviewees, unfixed spots for interviewing, etc. Through trial and error, we hammered out a means of street intercept interview, aided by female friends of ours. Our spot for interviewing was set by NET (an apparel franchise) and the Rose record store (replaced by Feng-Ze Electronics in 2006) on the Guan-Chien Road . Interviews were conducted during the time when pedestrians were waiting for a green light to cross the road. In the end, 198 interviews were successfully carried out, and a chart was made accordingly.

The statistics reveals respondents' age groups, occupations, and reasons for visiting the Nanyang Street , which are conducive to our research to a great extent.

The charts and analyses are as follows:

Age brackets of respondents

Judging from the above pie chart, students under 18 account for over half of the total respondents, a fact that points out that the major age group is relatively young. This result is highly correlated with the presence of buxibans. Not only do young age groups attend buxibans, but they also make considerable purchase (cf. Reasons behind why respondents visit the Nanyang Street ). The elder the age group, the lower the percentage is. It may be due to the unwillingness of elders to be interviewed.

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