button02_orange.gif Numerous Coquettes button02_orange.gif

  101 is pretty girl of countless changes. Looking up from the ground, she looks like a witch of mystery, a girl of countless changes.


  When in sunlight, 101 is a female monarch wearing shining costume. On the costume, various types of priceless jewelry are ornamented. It manifests her noble style gracefully walking down from the stairways of the castle to take over the throne merely belongs to her. The accompanying men surrounding her are in high expectation of having the honor of a dance with her. 


  During cloudy day, 101 rather looks like a humbly dressed girl in light make-up reclined against the sky and gentle breeze blowing her skirt (inverted ladder) which she unintentionally pressed with her hand. Her bright and sensitive eyes glance into far horizon with sweet and gentle smile. Her entire body is covered with a thin sheet of white yarn that spreads her ease and graceful natures.



  When it’s foggy, 101 looks like a shy maid sometimes half-covers her face with cloud and exposes merely her body below waist; sometimes she’s surrounded by cloud with her long hair flying in the sky. Looking at her from ground, she is surrounded by thick cloud. In mist, she appears so mystery and incomprehensible.


  In rainy day, 101 looks like a mother of blind love. No matter how big a downpour and how strong a typhoon, she just wears a thin overcoat firmly standing in the rain looking at a distance in waiting for her child’s return and to give direction to the missing lamb.




Best View with Resolution 1024X768   Guangfu Primary School in Taipei.2006