
        Among all the respondents we interviewed, most of them support the construction of the Rapid Transit. However, there are still some of them worrying about the operation of the Rapid Transit. Due to several accidents happened during construction, some respondents express their concern about the operation. They hope the construction is successful and could provide a better way of transportation.
       As for the scandal of Kaohsiung Rapid Transit, majority of the respondents wish to see the end of it soon. The important thing now is to finish construction. Some of the respondents reveal their curiosity about the result that the Rapid Transit System integrating with the urban reconstruction. They would like to see the city become artistic and more modernized.


Sampling400 respondents   《Placethe life circle around Kaohsiung Senior High School


    Comprehension of the
    Rapid Transit

ConclusionThe graph indicates that approximately one third of the citizens know nothing about the Rapid Transit. The research may effectively help the citizens understand the Kaohisung Rapid Transit.

    Traffic around Kaohisung

ConclusionThe graph indicates that approximately one third of the citizens are not satisfied with the traffic around Kaohsiung. One third feel satisfied. Therefore, we hope the Rapid Transit is a solution to the traffic problem.

    Rapid Transit System’s
    Impact on

ConclusionThe graph indicates the majority of the respondents have a positive attitude toward the Rapid Transit.

    Thoughts toward the Route

ConclusionThe graph indicates that three fifth of the respondents are not happy with the route planning, yet some feels the route is well planned.

    Services Hours

ConclusionThe graph indicates that sixty percent of the respondents wish the Rapid Transit opens 24 hours a day.

    Communication of Citizens

ConclusionThe graph indicates that different kinds of transportation tools are used by the citizens to travel around the city. This project is to help the public understand the importance of Rapid Transit.

    Dependence on Rapid

ConclusionThe graph shows that three fifth of the respondents will choose the Rapid Transit to commute as long as the Rapid Transit goes by their residences or offices.

     Expectation of the citizens
     toward Kaohsiung Rapid

Conclusion The graph shows that most of the respondents have less confidence in the Rapid Transit. The study is to let the people understand the construction and eventually build up their confidence in the Rapid Transit.