
       To provide the public a safe, comfortable, fast and new rapid transit system, the company is devoted its efforts to promote efficiency, lower the cost, increase the accessional income in order to fulfill the goal of sustainable operation and provide excellent services with low price.

    Services Hours

        The Orange Line and the Red Line start the service from 6:00 every morning from both ends and the last leaves the main station at 23:00. The service hours for the Red Line are 17 hours and 45 minutes every day, and those for the Orange Line are 17 hours and 25 minutes.

    Information for the

Services Hours
•The train stations of the Rapid Transit are open 10 minutes before the first train leave the main stations.
•The service hours for
the Red Line is from 5:50 a.m. to 11:55 p.m.;
•The service hours for
the Orange Line is from 5:50 a.m. to 11:35 p.m.;
•The headway between stations is less than
6 minutes during peak hours.
•The headway between stations is less than
10 minutes during off-peak hours.


       The above mentioned information helps understand the operation model of the Kaohsiung Rapid Transit. In fact, the operation is similar to that of Taipei MRT and other countries as well. The company will make adjustments in accordance with the needs at the all time.  Moreover, the company will try to add more tones to the local features of Kaohisung City. The voice from the public will be heard and discovered to promote the Rapid Transit System.