◆ Reference


1. The Sing-gang township council house :


2. The farmers' association of Sing-gang township, Chaiyi county : http://www.fast.org.tw/q08


3. The Sing-gang cultural foundation : http://www.hkfce.org.tw/


4. New hometown,Sing-gang:   http://content.edu.tw/country/chayi/dingliu/literature/shinkang/index.htm


5.The weekly magazine, 2002.11.14, “The legend of the century-Hsingkang”, p.70~p.73


6.The union post, 1995.2.20, “To travel Hsingkang fudge”


7.The union post,2001.1.21, “Tienkuanzen tells you the origins of Hisngkang”


8.The people's post, 2003.10.7, “ The fun of making Hsingkang fudge”


9.The China post,2003.10.8,“ The Hsingkang double-nut nurture is the perfect present of marriage”


10.The happiness post, 2003.11.23, ”The meaning of Matsu worshipping activity”



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