Sharing Feeling about Work

Most Touching Event

During our work in caring for the elderly people at the Lanyu Homecare Association, we were touched by many things ˇV originally when we visited the elderly peopleˇ¦s homes to take care of them, their families were displeased as they felt that we were looking down on them like they ˇ§did not care about their parentsˇ¨!Yet after some time these families had not only stopped shouting or pass sarcastic comments at us, but after watching us work so hard they actually either actively helped us during their resting time or learned from us about homecare work, such as dressing-change and dressing wounds.At times when we visited the elderly people in their homes, we discovered that most of the work had been completed, and that in fact the elderly peopleˇ¦s families had done them, which was both surprising and touching!
ˇ@ˇ@ There were also the blessings of the elderly people for us.Every one was very moving.After finishing our work for the elderly people, every time before we left, the elderly people had never forgotten to bless us with longevity, that the evil spirits do not approach us when we walk, and that when we confront difficult we may obtain Godˇ¦s guidance.There were even elderly people who also blessed the volunteersˇ¦ families, which often provided warmth to the volunteersˇ¦ hearts.


Saddest Event

ˇ@ˇ@Mrs. Bai-chi Chiang said, ˇ§A volunteerˇ¦s work is not very tiring, what the elderly people or patientsˇ¦ words were what was depressing!ˇ¨Once when she visited a patientˇ¦s home, probably out of emotional instability the patient actually said, ˇ§Go fix my yam field!ˇ¨Sometimes the volunteers were asked to do labor such as being ordered to feed pigs, which made them very angry when they heard it!Yet, rather call it sad but not angry, since they were not paid and they had joined the volunteer work to help the elderly people or patients out of their own will, thus when they heard these words it really saddens them!However it is not like that every time, just that when you do hear it you feel sad.



Hardest Thing

The elderly people or sick patients were not always happily waiting for us every time we visited to help, but we know that being sick is the most uncomfortable thing in a personˇ¦s life, therefore their moods may be bad!Mrs. Bao-gui Chiang said, ˇ§I remember one time when we helped a stroke patient, maybe because the patient felt that he was dying the patient told us not to come anymore and just let him die!So I spoke with her for a long time but the patientˇ¦s would not change his mind, and I thought that maybe I should come again in the afternoon.But I got the same reply and at the time I was getting angry and also upset with myself!It took I think about 5 visits and many talks before I was allowed to change the patientˇ¦s medication!That was one time when I really felt difficulty!ˇ¨

ˇ@ˇ@ Mrs Jie Li said, ˇ§I also have a similar experience, sometimes the elderly people have bad moods due to their physical illness, so while we worked they often were rude to us and made us feel bad inside!ˇ¨She also said that when they visited some elderly peopleˇ¦s homes they often would repeatedly see dirty environments with foul-smelling air, which meant doing the same work every time and made her feel fatigued, but luckily with the workers each supporting one another she was able to continue her volunteer work!




Records of the Escort
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