Horng-Chyi Chen

Date of Birth: Oct. 2rd, 1992

Date of Birth (Lunar Year): Sept. 7th

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Animal Sign: Monkey

Self Introduction

Hobby: Playing Chinese Chess, reading books, making tea, enjoying music, playing online games, playing magic tricks, sleeping

Specialty: Social Science, Natural Science, History, Chinese Religion, art

Talent & Skill: I can speak out 250 words within one minute. I know coin divinatory and Chu-Ge Method. I can remember 50 spells and I know Hua-jia is 60 years old. I can also remember 309 gods, the Book of Changes, 24 solar terms, 28 constellations, 36 passes, 999 Chu-Ge divinatory, 108 stars, and many other ancient Chinese skills.

Favorite Book: Ancient Chinese books